It's fall, and while I have to admit that I'm mourning the end of sundress season, I'm very much looking forward to some cooler weather and the ability to live in yoga pants for the next six months or so.
My neighbor has been my best friend since the sixth grade, and when she moved in two years ago we took down the fence between our back yards so that we essentially have one HUGE yard, and at the beginning of the summer we planted a pumpkin patch that is now filled with pie pumpkins. We did this for one reason only: the pumpkin creations that come from real, fresh pumpkins are AMAZING. My neighbor was never a fan of pumpkin pie, but last fall when we made one from the pumpkin her son had been lovingly watering all summer long she was hooked. She said it was the best pie she had ever eaten, and I have to agree that the flavor and texture was a thousand percent better than any pie made from canned pumpkin. It's SUPER easy to make your own pumpkin puree and use it an anything from Pumpkin Spice Lattes, to pie, breads, muffins, or cookies --just use the same amount of the fresh that is listed in the recipe and you're good to go. And the puree from one pumpkin will last you for most of the season if you're not too gung-ho. How to Make Your Own Pumpkin Puree: Ingredients: 1 Pie Pumpkin (or more--go nuts here if you want!) Directions:
Enjoy! ~Jen
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Billie Shellist, FDN-P
I practice functional nutrition, an approach that allows me to look at your entire health history and help you find the "root causes" of your chronic health complaints. This cuts out the trial and error process and helps you get real symptom relief and resolution! Food is medicine and knowledge is power -I hope you enjoy my anti-inflammatory recipes which are gluten, dairy, and soy free as well as very low grain and sugar. If you'd like to heal from the root cause(s) of your chronic symptoms, try starting with a complimentary 15-minute consultation. Click here to request your free session. |